Bong Bowl

Author: Release time: 2024-07-30 06:15:08 View number: 413


A bong bowl is an often overlooked accessory for the bong, but it is arguably one of the most important pieces. After all, the thing that actually holds the herb deserves quite a bit of credit. The bong bowl, usually just called a bowl if the appropriate context is given, is also referred to as a slide piece, bud bowl, weed socket and more. A bong bowl is shaped in the form of a funnel, with the bowl as the widest part and the piece that slides into the stem as the smaller end. The bowl sits on top of the stem of the bong and can come in several different sizes. The bowl piece is not necessarily universal, but they are extremely versatile nevertheless. One bowl can fit the stem of many different bongs, making them conveniently transferable to other cool bongs.


Packing a bowl is a super simple process. The bowl sits on the stem near the base of the bong. Because the bowl is shaped with an elongated stem end, it is considered the male piece. The stem on the interior that leads into the water, is considered the female piece. The male end will slide easily into the female end and sit nicely. Pack your herb right into the bowl while it’s sitting in the stem. Some people choose to pull the herb apart with their fingers, but grinding your herb beforehand will give it a nice, even burn. Once the herb is packed, grab a lighter and you’re ready to go. As you light the bowl, breath into the mouthpiece, pulling the smoke up the stem and into your lungs. There is no carb, so as soon as you have inhaled the smoke, pull the bowl out of the female end to clear the bong. You can immediately reinsert the bowl and be ready for your next hit. It’s important to be sure the bowl is airtight and the stem is clear so that you can get a quality and effortless pull.